Tuesday, July 3, 2007

It's July...UGH!

Don't get me wrong, I love summer, but as soon as the 4th of July hits, stores start getting out their "Back to School" fare. This depresses me every year, but especially this year because I'll have to leave Ty and put him in daycare. But, these pictures cheer me up--ENJOY!

I never realized just how hard it is to capture a baby smiling! This isn't as fun as his usual gummy grin!

He looks like a "Skippy" here. Again, he would grin and laugh, but when I'd try to take a picture, he'd stop.

Gettting ready to go to Ty's first Fourth of July picnic (even though it was on June 30th!)

Silly Daddy, shorts go on my bummy, not on my head!

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